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Advertise my vacancy

Dental recruitment is what we do best and we aim to make it a straighforward simple painless process. 

Please fill in form below with as much detail about your surgery vacancy including website address if you have one. The more information you give us about your wish list for an ideal candidate, the closer we can match the candidates cv's.

Rest assured all information provided by you is soley for our recruiting process ofr your surgery.

Once you have completed this form you will receive a call or email from Southern Cross

Name *

Email *

Phone *


Hours required

Any special skills or knowledge required

Your details were sent successfully!

To make an appointment or to speak to one of our Southern Cross staff please call our office on +44 (0) 207 589 9005 
or email us your cv or vacancy details

Southern Cross Dental  0207 589 9005

We have being supplying dental staff to the dental industry for almost 60 years. We are proud to be the first and also the longest running Dental Agency.  We pride ourselves on high standards of personalised service, systems, up to date legislation, policy’s and protocols which both reflect our long standing service and experience but additional ensuring the most update and effective recruiting methods.

 Call or email us today to get started with your perfect dental role.

© 2021   Southern Cross Dental Agency Ltd                                                                                 

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